December 7, 2010

10 Gems from Chuck D on African Hip Hop

Last night the legendary Chuck D of Public Enemy held a workshop at Red Bull Studios in Cape Town where he spoke for 2 hours on the state of hip hop, global music culture and the future of African hip hop.

Dplanet (Pioneer Unit) was in attendance and from the sounds of things Chuck D was dropping knowledge! Dplanet managed to jot down a list of 10 nuggets of advice from the master. This should be compulsory reading for everyone involved in the African music industry:

  1. Don't be an 'Afrimerican - don't copy the US. Be proudly African.
  2. SA needs an infrastructure that supports local hip hop (DJs / radio / media/ blogs)
  3. Don’t let corporations (like MTV or Metro FM) dictate your musical / cultural agenda

Head over to the Pioneer Unit website to read the rest of the list.